Friday, February 27, 2009

Dedica el tiempo

EL tiempo es un valioso recurso a nuestra disposicion del cual tenemos la libertad de administrar bien o mal.

Para ti:

Dedica el tiempo a pensar

es la fuente del poder.

Dedica el tiempo a Jugar

Es el secreto de la juventud eterna.

Dedica el tiempo a Leer

Dedica el tiempo a Amar y Ser Amado

es un gran privilegio.

Dedica el tiempo a ser Amable

es el camino a la felicidad.

Dedica el tiempo a Reir

es la musica del alma.

Dedica el tiempo a Dar

es demasiado corto el dia para ser egoista.

Dedica el tiempo a Trabajar

es el precio del exito.

Sobre todo valorate y cree a ti mismo por que de ti depende el tiempo.

Live to tell

I have a tale to tell
Sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well
I was not ready for the fall
Too blind to see the writing on the wall

A man can tell a thousand lies
Ive learned my lesson well
Hope I live to tell
The secret I have learned, till then
It will burn inside of me

I know where beauty lives
Ive seen it once, I know the warm she gives
The light that you could never see
It shines inside, you cant take that from me

The truth is never far behind
You kept it hidden well
If I live to tell
The secret I knew then
Will I ever have the chance again

If I ran away, Id never have the strength
To go very far
How would they hear the beating of my heart
Will it grow cold
The secret that I hide, will I grow old
How will they hear
When will they learn
How will they know

Thursday, February 26, 2009